El Viaje María Magdalena y los 6 Úteros

Útero María Magdalena

Ahava y Bendiciones
El viaje de María Magdalena y los 6 Úteros
El Camino de los 6 Úteros es el primer libro que escribí que contiene enseñanzas muy queridas que me dio María Magdalena durante las apariciones que recibí de ella y también canalizaciones. Desde 2011 practico las meditaciones que me ha dado y también he incorporado mi Sabiduría Corporal como Yogui desde los 11 años, Terapeuta de Danza Movimiento y practicante de Medicina Energética Egipcia y Esenia. En este VIAJE online de María Magdalena y los 6 Úteros, mi intención es que ingreses al Portal de cada uno de estos 6 Úteros y accedas al despertar y la sanación.
Durante 6 días de Transmisiones, una Prácticas, Mantras en Arameo, Charlas, Respiración Kabalística, Meditaciones:
Día 1: El Útero Cósmico
Día 2: El Útero del Dragón
Día 3: El Útero de la Unión Divina
Día 4: El Útero de la Serpiente de la Llama Sagrada
Día 5: El Útero Energético
Día 6: El Útero físico
Estas enseñanzas son de la Frecuencia Magdalena y las prácticas son poderosas y transformadoras. El Viaje de María Magdalena y los 6 Úteros es para Mujeres y para Hombres, ya que algunos de estos Úteros son compartidos con Hombres. Este es un viaje de sanación y despertar. Habrá una guía antes de comenzar que te ayudará con los alimentos que debes comer durante los 6 días y la Mezcla de Aceites Esenciales para los 6 Úteros.
¡Este Viaje estará disponible el 14 de junio, la Luna Llena
Ana Otero

Your Instructor

Ana Otero, Founder The Desert Rose Mystery School
Ana Otero, Founder The Desert Rose Mystery School

Ana Otero is a Doctor in Dance Movement Therapy, Mystic, Dancer, Author, Yogi, Artist, and a Teacher of the Magdala-Christ Lineage Transmissions. Her love for the Aramaic language is profound and woven into the fabric of her work and teachings.

In 2011, Mary Magdalene appeared in her life. This connection, fortified by apparitions and channeled messages, led her to commit her life to spiritual exploration and growth.

Guided by Mary Magdalene's teachings, Ana Otero founded The Desert Rose Mystery School. This institution was birthed from her desire to share the Ancient Wisdom Teachings and to inspire others to delve into the spiritual dimensions of existence.

As a testament to her dedication, Ana has developed unique physical practices, known as Alaha Shela Sacred Embodiment, DMT Ritual Movement® and Magdalene Womb Yoga. These practices embody her understanding of the deep connection between physical movement and spiritual consciousness, offering a holistic approach to spiritual growth, ecstatic prayer and personal wellbeing.

As an author, she has contributed to spiritual literature with four books: "The Path of the 6 Petals", "Conversations with Mary Magdalene", "Mary Magdalene and The Path of Alaha Shela", and "Mary Magdalene and The Desert Rose". Each of these books illuminates her deep understanding of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, providing valuable insights and expansion to seekers on their spiritual journey.

Her creative expressions also find a voice in music. She has published several albums, in which she sings prayers and mantras in Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Sephardic languages. These languages, rich in spiritual history and significance, further enhance the mystical allure of her musical compositions.

Ana Otero loves teaching, offering various training programs, workshops, and retreats. These learning opportunities, available both in-person and online, cater to individuals with diverse learning preferences and provide opportunities to experience the various course, programs and trainings she facilitates.

Ana Otero´s holistic approach to embodied Mysticism, combined with her depth of knowledge in the fields of Wisdom Teachings, Ecstatic Prayer and Body technology, will take you to embody the Ancient Mystery Traditions and to connect with the Light of Creation that dwells within you.



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